Supporting NCBO

Your support matters! Support the North Carolina Baroque Orchestra to preserve and celebrate this cultural treasure. Your support sustains musicians, our outreach, and the exceptional performances, ensuring the continued enchantment of Baroque music. Join us in nurturing this legacy.

Ways you can help

  • Make a financial contribution. Your donations support our concert and outreach projects and our “orchestra building” retreats.
  • Hold a yard sale, or any event you enjoy, and donate a percentage of your proceeds to NCBO. You can ask friends and neighbors to do spring or fall cleaning and donate their items to your yard sale- It’s FUN!
  • Know somebody who needs a baroque orchestra?? NCBO and the NCBO Chamber Players are available to work with choirs and play on concert series.
  • Host a musician. We rely on the hospitality of our homestay hosts to provide lodging for our musicians while we’re on the road. Tell friends how much fun it is to host a musician.
  • Tell your friends about NCBO. Share our facebook posts.

Become an NCBO Business Sponsor

As a Business Sponsor, you'll help ensure NCBO’s future while also making a smart marketing decision for your business. Our audience is culturally engaged, committed to their communities, and ever-expanding. Please review our Business Sponsorship levels below and contact Barbara Krumdieck, Executive Director, at to begin a partnership to benefit both your business and NCBO.

North Carolina Baroque Orchestra Annual Business Sponsorship levels

$1,000 Bronze Business Sponsor

  • Four complimentary tickets to an NCBO performance
  • Business name listed in concert programs
  • Business name listed on lobby concert signs
  • Business name listed on website

$2,000 Silver Business Sponsor

  • Six complimentary tickets to an NCBO performance
  • Business name and logo listed in concert programs
  • Business name and logo listed on lobby concert signs
  • Business name and logo listed on website

$4,000 Gold Business Sponsor

  • Six complimentary tickets to two NCBO performances
  • Business name and logo featured (1/2 page) in concert programs
  • Business name and logo featured on lobby concert signs
  • Business name and logo featured on website
  • Business name and logo included in promotional materials
  • Invitation to NCBO Meet the Artists and Sponsor Connection receptions

$8,000 Platinum Business Sponsor

  • Eight complimentary tickets to three NCBO performances
  • Business product / materials / banner prominently featured in lobby and at intermission at a main performance
  • Business name and logo featured (full page) in concert programs
  • Business name and logo featured on lobby concert signs
  • Business name and logo featured on website
  • Business name and logo included in promotional materials
  • Invitation to NCBO Meet the Artists and Sponsor Connection receptions
  • An hour of chamber music for your own event, provided by members of NCBO

NCBO also can tailor a business partnership to meet your particular objectives. Whether it’s a smaller sponsored mini-performance at your business, a full underwriting of a major NCBO community or outreach event, or something in between, we would love the opportunity to partner with you.

Download Business Spondors Detail